Meet Mike Markov

My name is Mike "BG" Markov, and I am a proud father of a Vista Unified middle school student. I believe our children are our future, and I'm passionate about the intersection of education, art, science, and daily life. That's why I'm running for Vista Unified School Board Trustee, Area 1. I firmly believe that investing in our children's education now will pay dividends for our entire community.

As an inventor, I bring a fresh perspective and innovative problem-solving skills to the table. My background as a patent holder in drone technology and my experience in commercial helicopter piloting have honed my adaptability and strategic thinking. These skills allow me to approach challenges with creativity and resourcefulness, ensuring that we find efficient solutions that benefit students and educators alike.

I aim to provide our children with the intellectual tools they need to navigate life successfully. By encouraging independent thinking, problem-solving, and personal responsibility, we can empower the next generation to reach their full potential.

I graduated from UC Irvine with a BS in Physics, and from USD with an MA. My passion for education extends beyond my professional life. I've been a leader and volunteer with the Boy Scouts of America for the last seven years. In my free time, I enjoy cycling, running, swimming, and reading until I fall asleep at night.

I'm excited about the opportunity to serve on the school board and work towards a brighter future for our students. With your support and your vote, we can make this vision a reality! Thank you for considering me as your Area 1 Trustee.