Better Schools for a Better Future

My name is Mike "BG" Markov and I’m a former teacher. Today, I’m a pilot, inventor, and a proud father in the Vista Unified district. I'm running for VUSD Board of Education, Area 1 and I would love your support!

  • Bachelor’s Degree, UC Irvine (Physics)

  • Master’s Degree, USD

  • Triathlon Athlete

  • Community Volunteer

  • Donate Today

    As a parent myself, I am driven to represent parents and kids in our district. I ask for your support as we focus on our students and improve outcomes in our district. By supporting my campaign, you are making a commitment to a bright future for VUSD. Thank you for your support!

The Issues

Academic Excellence

School board members have the critical responsibility of ensuring our Nation’s youth are provided the best education possible. Schools and school boards are accountable to taxpayers and their communities. More attention should be paid to the low scores that K-12 students are obtaining in core competency areas like reading, math, science, and the arts.

Innovation for the Future

As an inventor, I am passionate about learning and discovery. I understand the importance of a quality education. Inventors are adept at identifying problems and coming up with creative solutions. This skill will be valuable in addressing challenges within the school district and finding innovative ways to improve educational outcomes.

Campus Safety

Children can’t learn if they don’t feel safe. In 2019, the Board voted to remove uniformed police officers (SRO’s) from our campuses. I will be trustee that advocates for keeping them on our campuses. SRO’s not only protect our kids and staff on campus, but they strive to build relationships with students and seek to head off issues before they become crimes. Most often, SRO’s can be a listener to a struggling student and a mentor to the outcast. The amount of caring and empathy an SRO provides is just as important as safety and protection.

Mental Health Support

Providing sufficient training and resources for our teachers and staff to help them meet these challenges is critical. Allowing students more time outside, encouraging regular exercise, and fostering independence, can create a healthier, more balanced school environment. Additionally, setting higher expectations for both their conduct and achievement, challenges students to reach their full potential while maintaining a supportive and nurturing atmosphere. Together, these efforts will contribute to the overall mental health and success of our students.

Enrollment Decline

The district receives most of its funding based on enrollment and attendance, but enrollment has steadily declined in VUSD over the last few years. Hundreds of families have left the state or sent their children to private or home school. The district needs to make a concerted effort to reach these families and identify ways to bring them back to our schools.

Parent Involvement

At times, families have felt left out of the decision making process. I want to give a voice to parents, voters, and taxpayers - so they never feel left out of the process. I want to empower parents and community members to be able to effectively hold the board accountable when adopting curricula, budgets, and policies.